
Medical DoctorWear MaskHe has Health IssueNurse
a. 予約について
Call the hospital to make an appointment by internet or telephone and make sure when is available.

For the most part, Japanese medical facilities (except for dentist’s offices) admit patient to see doctors when they arrive at the hospital rather than by taking appointments.
b. 受付窓口では 予約で保険証と身分証明書などを見せてください。

c. 名前が呼ばれるのを待ちます。

d. 医師が診察します。

e. 支払いをして、必要な薬のリストを受け取ります。

f. Go to the pharmacy and show them the medicine list you received.

g. Pay for your medicines there.
850-0011 長崎県長崎市鳴滝3-14-7